42 research outputs found

    Kajian Pola Distribusi Hujan Jam-Jaman di Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Menggunakan Data Satelit Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)

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    Flood calculation design requires an input of rainfall design that is distributed rainfall into hourly rainfall. Distribution of each pattern from a hourly rainfall was necessary to convert rainfall into hourly rainfall designed. Measurement Rainfall data was used utilizing satellite data. The Rainfall data was obtained from Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) of satellite data. Processed of TRMM data has been done using a Command Prompt software. Data of the Satellite TRMM were extracted by Command Prompt, it was transfered by Zilla File Software which is gsmap. Duration of rainfall into hourly rainfall from 2009 to 2016 was taken one hour until sixty-nine hours. There is incidence of rain with a total of 4001 incidents of rainfall with 22.1228 mm ranifall average, and 839 was the most rainfall incidence in one hour

    Morphological Identification and Diversity Analysis of Fossil Diatoms From Diatomite Sangiran Central Java Indonesia

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    Diatomite Sangiran is diatom fossil rich sediment. The aim of this research was to study the diversity of fossildiatoms from Sangiran, Indonesia based on morphological characteristics. Samples were taken from lower, middle,and upper sediment layers based on their different physical features with three replications each. Diatomiteextraction was performed following modification of Setty (1966) and frustule counting was accomplished by censusmethod. There were total 50 species found in diatomite layers. The diversity analysis showed that highest speciesrichness (21-22), diversity (1.35-1.47), and evenness index (0.44-0.48) were belong to the lower layer. The highestfrustule abundance (9.66x107-1.43x108 frustules/gram) and dominance index (0.67-0.72) were belong to themiddle layer. On the other hand, highest centrales:pennales ratios (0.73-1.11) were belong to the upper layer. Thesediment layers signified an obvious indication of gradual changes from marine to freshwater environment.Dendrogram analysis using MINITAB.v.15.1.2 software denoted similarity between lower sediment layer and theyounger layers was 72.12%; while similarity between middle and upper layers 92.63%

    Optimasi Rendemen Fibroin Ulat Sutera Bombyx Mori L. Dan Attacus Atlas L. Dengan Response Surface Methodology

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    Ekstraksi fibroin dilakukan dengan perlakuan suhu dan waktu tanpa diketahui maksimal atau tidaknya capaian rendemen yang dihasilkan. Padahal data tersebut sangat penting untuk estimasi profitabilitas pada USAha hilir ulat sutera. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan formulasi ekstraksi (degumming) yang menghasilkan rendemen fibroin optimum. Metode yang digunakan adalah optimasi ekstraksi fibroin menggunakan Program Response Surface Methodology (RSM) dengan tiga variabel bebas, konsentrasi NaOH, suhu dan waktu. Variabel tersebut diformulasikan dalam rancangan percobaan Central Composite Design (CCD) di Program RSM menggunakan titik pusat NaOH 0,1 N, suhu 105 °C selama 30 menit. Pada rancangan percobaan tersebut, rendemen bobot fibroin (%) digunakan sebagai respon (variabel terikat) untuk menghasilkan kondisi optimum. Kondisi tersebut berupa formulasi variabel bebas yang mengoptimumkan rendemen fibroin. Kondisi optimum Bombyx mori dicapai pada konsentrasi NaOH 0,018 N, suhu 110,53 °C dan waktu 55,51 menit pada satu kali degumming dengan perolehan rendemen fibroin sebesar 71,11 ± 0,98 %. Rendemen fibroin optimum sebesar 83,06 ± 1,50 % pada Attacus atlas dihasilkan dari kondisi optimum NaOH 0,12 N, suhu 79 °C selama 42,65 menit pada dua kali degumming. Metode ekstraksi fibroin yang tepat akan menghasilkan rendemen fibroin yang optimum

    Portable Inter-workgroup Barrier Synchronisation for GPUs

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    Despite the growing popularity of GPGPU programming, there is not yet a portable and formally-specified barrier that one can use to synchronise across workgroups. Moreover, the occupancy-bound execution model of GPUs breaks assumptions inherent in traditional software execution barriers, exposing them to deadlock. We present an occupancy discovery protocol that dynamically discovers a safe estimate of the occupancy for a given GPU and kernel, allowing for a starvation-free (and hence, deadlock-free) inter-workgroup barrier by restricting the number of workgroups according to this estimate. We implement this idea by adapting an existing, previously non-portable, GPU inter-workgroup barrier to use OpenCL 2.0 atomic operations, and prove that the barrier meets its natural specification in terms of synchronisation. We assess the portability of our approach over eight GPUs spanning four vendors, comparing the performance of our method against alternative methods. Our key findings include: (1) the recall of our discovery protocol is nearly 100%; (2) runtime comparisons vary substantially across GPUs and applications; and (3) our method provides portable and safe inter-workgroup synchronisation across the applications we study

    Text Line Segmentation of Historical Documents: a Survey

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    There is a huge amount of historical documents in libraries and in various National Archives that have not been exploited electronically. Although automatic reading of complete pages remains, in most cases, a long-term objective, tasks such as word spotting, text/image alignment, authentication and extraction of specific fields are in use today. For all these tasks, a major step is document segmentation into text lines. Because of the low quality and the complexity of these documents (background noise, artifacts due to aging, interfering lines),automatic text line segmentation remains an open research field. The objective of this paper is to present a survey of existing methods, developed during the last decade, and dedicated to documents of historical interest.Comment: 25 pages, submitted version, To appear in International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, On line version available at http://www.springerlink.com/content/k2813176280456k3

    Active memory controller

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    Inability to hide main memory latency has been increasingly limiting the performance of modern processors. The problem is worse in large-scale shared memory systems, where remote memory latencies are hundreds, and soon thousands, of processor cycles. To mitigate this problem, we propose an intelligent memory and cache coherence controller (AMC) that can execute Active Memory Operations (AMOs). AMOs are select operations sent to and executed on the home memory controller of data. AMOs can eliminate a significant number of coherence messages, minimize intranode and internode memory traffic, and create opportunities for parallelism. Our implementation of AMOs is cache-coherent and requires no changes to the processor core or DRAM chips. In this paper, we present the microarchitecture design of AMC, and the programming model of AMOs. We compare AMOs\u27 performance to that of several other memory architectures on a variety of scientific and commercial benchmarks. Through simulation, we show that AMOs offer dramatic performance improvements for an important set of data-intensive operations, e.g., up to 50x faster barriers, 12x faster spinlocks, 8.5x-15x faster stream/array operations, and 3x faster database queries. We also present an analytical model that can predict the performance benefits of using AMOs with decent accuracy. The silicon cost required to support AMOs is less than 1% of the die area of a typical high performance processor, based on a standard cell implementation

    Sistem Akuntansi Penggajian Pada CV. Mahkota Sport Di Samarinda

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    Notes, and report) and collect it tobecome financial information, then report it to easily management in company financial management, the sales system is a component that is paid by the company the employees as a service for the performance that has been given to the company, such compensation is usually given to employess. The purpose of this thesis research is to find out and analyze the implementation of the CV. Mahkota Sport accounting sistem. The author analysis the payroll system on the CV. Mahkota Sport by using comparing the system applied in the company with the actul system according to the theory and comparing the flow chart attached to the interview process in the form of aquestionnaire which means that according to data by using many answer or interview with part of the related part is accounting for 4 person Results analysis mentioning the accounting system at CV. Mahkota Sport is enough according to meed internal control which is supported with questionary results from 16 items questions with score answer yes 75% CV. Mahkota Sport satisfies the elements of a good internal control system. However, there are a number of things that need to be considered, namely in depth examination. Based system implemented by the company has been carried out quite well

    Adaptive Prefetching on POWER7

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